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Welcome to PyAction! Version Python Versions


PyAction helps you to create and develop custom GitHub Actions using Python.

Actions are individual tasks that you can combine to create jobs and customize your workflow. You can create your own actions, or use and customize actions shared by the GitHub community. GitHub Inc.

This documentation covers a tutorial and a demo hello-world action. Head to Quickstart to see the demo project and create an action in a flash. ⚡

Easy to Setup

Make sure you have pip and python>=3.8 installed on your machine and install pyaction.

pip install -U "pyaction[cli]"

Now, execute the following command to see all the subcommands and options.

pyaction --help

It's recommended to..

Initialize a basic template and provide yourself a nicely put-to-gether action structure for starting.

pyaction init

Here you can see a very basic greeting action example that returns a greeting message to the workflow when someone calls it with a name input parameter.

from pyaction import PyAction

workflow = PyAction()

def my_action(name: str) -> None:
            "phrase": f"Hi {name}!"
name: Greeting Action

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    name: Running the action
      - name: Greetings
        id: greetings
        uses: you/your-action
          name: Sadra

      - name: Output
        run: echo ${{ steps.greetings.outputs.phrase }}
▶ Run echo Hi Sadra!
Hi Sadra!

Since pyaction is part of your action's dependencies, you have access to utilities that enable you to work with the repository/workflow data. You can find out more about these utils on the Tutorial page.

How It Works

Custom GitHub Actions can be developed in different ways. PyAction uses the Docker Container method which is highly stable with Python environments. This way, you'll be able to specify the requirements for your actions and run them inside a lightweight isolated container with all the dependencies installed.

If you're interested in the idea and want to help, your contribution is welcome as always. Check out the Contribution Guide for more information.