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Thanks for heading over to this page. I assume you're looking for a way to contribute to this project and as always, all your helps are welcome. Follow the instructions and enjoy contributing!

Open an issue first please..

I highly recommend you open an issue first. Once we agree on the on-going conversation, then feel free to start working. 🍻

Fork & Install

Simply fork and clone the repository on your local machine. Change your directory to where the project is. Run the following command to make sure you have pre-commit and tox installed on your system.

pip install pre-commit tox && pre-commit install

Once you're all set and need to test your changes in the supported environments, simply run tox and it'll grab your changes and puts them into test.

If you've changed the docs and want to see the results, run the following command and it'll serve the docs on localhost:8000.

tox -e docs
Access the venv that tox has created..

If you need to access an environment with all the dev dependencies installed, run the following command and it'll create a virtualenv with all the requirements installed in it.

tox --devenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Make a Pull Request

If all tests are passed then open a pull-request. 🔥